
SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Gallery Presentation by Lukasz Pazera

The presentation of DOG OF ZONE that I prepared for SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Gallery is available online. It’s a 14 minutes long video that shows the interactive projection itself, explains how it works, talks about the background behind the idea and covers the process that I designed for crafting all the visual content. If you are interested in what DOG OF ZONE is exactly and want to know how it works or how it was created - this is a video for you.

Dog of Zone XIV, Dog of Zone XV by Lukasz Pazera

Dog of Zone XIV

Dog of Zone XV

Dog of Zone XIV and XV are moving graphics (or animation loops) created as a by-product of my work on the Dog of Zone interactive projection.

Dog of Zone XIV was done as a proof of concept way back in 2011 when I initially approached the idea of doing an interactive projection based on prerendered animation loops. I reworked it recently using the rendering technique that I ended up using for the projection. I also added new sound that is part of sounds samples recorded for the projection as well. The animation itself is the same as it was in 2011 though.

Dog of Zone XV is edited directly from sequences and sounds that are part of the interactive projection and it is a much more recent effort (done last year).